selection of materials

The service of selecting materials for design development
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What is the selection of materials and interior equipment for?

As an experienced interior designer, I often face questions about how to choose materials for a design project. I believe that the selection of materials is one of the most important aspects in creating a beautiful and functional home design. In this article, I wanted arias. I would like to tell you how I help my clients choose materials and interior fittings.

  1. Why do I need to select materials for a design project?
  2. How I work on the selection of materials for a design project
  3. Defining the style and color scheme
  4. Selection of materials and finishes for different rooms
  5. Interior equipment: details, textiles, decor
  6. Conclusion: the importance of the selection of materials and the work of an interior designer
Why do we need to select materials for a design project?
The first thing to understand is that materials can greatly affect the overall appearance and functionality of the interior. High-quality and well-chosen material can not only decorate a room, but also increase its comfort and functionality. The selection of materials is a complex process that requires knowledge of materials, their properties and applications.

How I work on the selection of materials for a design project
When working on a design project, I always take into account the wishes of the client, his style, preferences and budget. I also study all the features of the room that may affect the choice of materials. After that, I start searching for materials, communicate with suppliers and choose the most suitable options.

Defining the style and color scheme
Before you start working on the selection of materials, you need to determine the design style and color scheme of the room. This helps you choose materials that will be in harmony with the overall style and color scheme.
Selection of materials and finishes for different rooms
When selecting materials and finishes for different rooms, I take into account their purpose, size and features. For example, I recommend using waterproof and durable materials for the bathroom, and soft and cozy ones for the bedroom. For the kitchen, I choose materials that are easy to clean and do not get dirty, and for the living room - beautiful and aesthetic.

Interior equipment: details, textiles, decor
The selection of materials is not only the choice of floor coverings and wall finishes. It is also a choice of details that will help to create coziness and comfort in the house. I help my clients choose textiles, decorative elements, furniture and other interior elements that will match the overall style and color scheme.

Selection of materials and finishes for different rooms
Each room has its own characteristics, and when selecting materials, their functional purpose must be taken into account. For example, the kitchen needs materials that are easy to clean and do not absorb odors, and the bathroom needs materials that are resistant to moisture and chemicals. I take into account all these features and help you choose the right one

Conclusion: the importance of the selection of materials and the work of an interior designer
As you can see, the selection of materials for a design project is one of the most important aspects in creating a beautiful and functional interior. The work of an interior designer allows you not only to choose the appropriate materials and finishes, but also to create a unique style of the room that will reflect the individuality and preferences of the client.

If you decide to create your own design project and are looking for help in selecting materials and completing the interior, contact a professional interior designer. I am sure that the right materials and interior design will make your home cozy and comfortable, and the work of an interior designer will make it individual and stylish.

How to order an interior design project
Contact us by phone or WhatsApp, we will arrange a meeting to discuss your interior
тз дизайнеру
Briefing and terms of reference
We are going to take measurements and agree to hold a briefing for the preparation of the TOR
Планировка квартиры
Planning solution
The team is working on creating layouts for all interior spaces
дизайн-концепция интерьера
Creating a design concept
We coordinate the main idea of the interior and its style
чертежи дизайн-проекта
Проектная Project documentation
We develop a set of drawings and documents for the construction team and contractors
подбор материалов для интерьера
Закупка необходимой мебели, оборудования и отделоPurchase of necessary furniture, equipment and finishing materialsчных материалов
авторский надзор
Author's maintenance of the repair
Control of all stages of construction by the designer during the author's supervision
Russia, Novosibirsk, Sakko and Vancetti, 77