how to order the design of a three-room apartment: tips from a professional interior designer!

We design the interiors of three-bedroom apartments in new buildings
Hello friends! I am a professional interior designer, and I want to share with you my tips on how to order the design of a three-bedroom apartment. If you are planning to change the interior of your apartment, then this article is for you! Here are some useful tips that I can give you on this topic.

Identify your needs and desires
Before ordering an apartment design, you need to decide what you want to get as a result. You need to consider both your needs and desires. For example, if you like to spend time in the living room, then you can order a design so that the living room is more spacious and comfortable.

Make a budget
The design of an apartment can cost from several thousand to several million rubles. Therefore, before ordering a design, you need to make a budget. But do not forget that high-quality design can significantly improve your life and increase the value of your apartment.

Look for professionals
When you have decided on your budget and needs, you can start looking for professional interior designers. Pay attention to the rating, reviews and portfolio of designers. Contact several designers to find out their approach to work, deadlines and cost.

Communicate with the designer
When you have chosen an interior designer, communicate with him or her about your wishes and needs. Tell the designer how you see your apartment after renovation, what is important to you and what is necessary in your interior.

Follow the designer's recommendations
Of course, you can have your own opinion, but do not forget that the interior designer
Order a designer's consultation

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